Efficiency, Accountability and Integrity

Public Sector Reforms For Results Project (PSRRP)

June 12, 2023


The Government of Ghana launched the National Public Sector Reform Strategy (NPSRS) 2018-2023 in August 2018. The goal of the NPSRS (2018-2023) is to enhance public service delivery to the citizenry and the private sector.

The Public Sector Reform for Results Project (PSRRP) is an initiative of the Government of Ghana that partially supports the implementation of the NPSRS (2018-2023). The project is implemented through the Office of the Senior Presidential Advisor under the Office of the President (OSPA-OoP).

The project aims to support thirteen (13) Selected Entities to improve efficiency and accountability in the delivery of key public services to citizens and firms. The Public Services Commission (PSC) is one of the selected Entities and has its activities among others as follows:

ACTIVITY 1: Prepare and adopt Institutional Gender Action Plans with scorecards applicable to the PSC and Selected Entities, and train entities to implement them.


  • Identify gender implementation policy gaps
  • Develop Institutional Gender Action Plans focused on decreasing these implementation gaps for PSC and the SEs under PSC
  • Implement the Institutional Gender Action Plans and monitor compliance.

ACTIVITY 2: Strengthened Compliance Reporting on Client Service Charters for Public Service Organizations.

OBJECTIVE(S): Revise and improve existing CSCs of PSC and SEs to improve compliance and develop monitoring framework to report on compliance of Selected Entities to their Client Service Charters under the jurisdiction of the Public Services Commission (PSC).

ACTIVITY 3: Enhanced Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism.

OBJECTIVE(S): The objective of this program is to proactively reach out to beneficiaries of selected entities via at least one of the ICT tools (text message, phone call, robocall, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), etc.) to notify them about the expected date of service delivery and collect feedback for the improvement of service delivery and performance management.

ACTIVITY 4: Video Conferencing System

OBJECTIVE(S): The Objective of establishing the Video Conferencing System is to facilitate and enable remote functioning.

Video conferencing is a live video-based meeting between two or more people in different locations using video-enabled devices. Video conferencing allows multiple people to meet and collaborate face to face long distance by transmitting audio, video, text and presentations in real time through the internet.