Efficiency, Accountability and Integrity

Dr. (Mrs.) Irene Stella Agyenim-Boateng – Vice Chairman

April 1, 2023

Dr. (Mrs) Irene Stella Agyenim-Boateng is a highly qualified C-Suite Executive, Human Resources Management Expert and Transformational leader with several years of senior leadership and Board experience. She is very affable, inspirational, people-centred, results-oriented and decisive.

Dr. (Mrs) Irene Stella Agyenim-Boateng was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Public Services Commission by H. E. the President of the Republic of Ghana on 2nd October, 2023 and sworn into office on 13th November, 2023.

Having worked across various industries and sectors including Education, Telecommunication, Insurance, Consultancy and Energy. Dr. (Mrs) Agyenim-Boateng comes to the job with a proven track-record of the successful management and transition within the private and public sector organizations as well as multi-nationals. 

Prior to her appointment as the Vice Chairman of the Public Services Commission, she was a former Consultant in Human Resource & Leadership Development and the immediate past Advisor, Office of the Chief Executive, Volta River Authority (VRA) and also the former Deputy Chief Executive (Services) of the VRA. Additionally, she has held other positions which include, Director Human Resource, Volta River Authority, Group Human Resource Director/Consultant, GLICO GROUP, Human Resource Director Vodafone Ghana, Human Resource Director Ghana Telecom.

Alongside the above-mentioned positions, she was also an Adjunct Lecturer/Business Policy & Strategy at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Adjunct Lecturer (Ph.D Class) Valley View University, Occasional Corporate Guest Lecturer  in some Tertiary institutions, Training Resource Person at the National Banking College, Ghana Employers’ Association, VRA Academy, GIMPA etc.

Dr. (Mrs) Agyenim-Boateng served as the Creativity & Innovation Programme Lead for the VRA. She is a Motivational/Public Speaker on Human Resource & Corporate Leadership series for organizations, Churches, Professional Bodies etc and also a Panel Discussant in many fora, a facilitator on Diversity, Inclusion & Equity, a Mentor and Coach as well.

She has also served on some Boards and Committees, travelled extensively and delivered papers at Conferences/Seminars both locally & internationally. For eight (8) years, she had been a Member of the Ghana Employers’ Association’s delegation to the International Labour Organization (ILO) conferences where she actively participated in discussions culminating in the drafting of some international labour regulations.

She is a FELLOW of the Chartered Institute of Human Resource Management (CIHRM) Ghana, a FELLOW of the Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance (CILG) Ghana, a FELLOW of the Institute of Directors (IoD) Ghana, an Executive Member of the Executive Women’s Network (EWN), a Member, SHRM and a Member, Ghana National Association of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Practitioners (GNAAP).

As a result of her par excellence performance, dedication and commitment over the years, Dr. (Mrs) Agyenim-Boateng has received numerous recognitions, citations and awards both Nationally and Globally. Some of these are:  HR Personality of the Year; Most Outstanding HR Professional; Top 10 HR Tech Leaders in Africa; 50 most innovative Global Human Resource Tech leaders; Africa Top 50 Human Resource Leaders; Most outstanding Female in Public Sector; Woman of Excellence; Women mentoring & empowerment award; Woman of Excellence in the Energy sector; Leadership in Creativity & Innovation; and, was also inducted into the Feminine Hall of Fame as a “SHE ACHIEVER”. Academically, she was recognized with Laurel of Excellence Award (Laurel de Excellentia) at her Doctoral Graduation. She has also received two (2) Lifetime Achievement Awards and led other Corporate Bodies she worked with to receive several other Awards and recognition.

She holds a Doctor of Business Administration from the Swiss Business School in 2018, a Doctor of Letters (HC), conferred upon her by the Institut Universitaire La Grace, Benin in 2022.  In 2022, she obtained a Professional Executive Masters in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Institute of Para- Legal Training & Leadership Studies. She also holds a Master of Applied Business Research from the Swiss Business School in 2018 and Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) from the University of Ghana, 2001. From the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, GIMPA, she holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Public Administration and a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration which she obtained in 1992 and 1994 respectively. She also has a Certificate in Human Resource Management from Bailbrook College, Bath, UK, 1996; Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in English & History; and, a Diploma in Education obtained concurrently from the University of Cape-Coast in 1986. Dr. (Mrs.) I. Stella Agyenim-Boateng is an astute HR professional who loves: developing and mentoring the Youth; Motivational/Public speaking; offering Career Advisory services; promoting Gender-related initiatives; supporting the marginalised; and, doing the work of God.